Recycled Candles

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Awhile back I posted about Jar Candles and my joy over finding new uses for them!  Today my plan involves recently cleaned baby food jars, 2 jar candles with a bit of candle left over that will no longer burn and a pot of boiled water!  Curious??? So am I! HA  Don't worry, I will be sure to let you know if it works out!


ox in the box said...

if you have white candles and melt them down and add a wax colored crayon they make intresting colors i used to use a clean empty food tin to melt the wax in a convetional cooking pot of water on a stove and then use cord that will burn as a wick and food molds make intresting shapes :)

Dana said...

sounds interesting! Can't wait to see how this turns out!!! - Dana

The Mattyvision Team said...


Jenny Em said...

Ox - I have seen it done several ways including what you mentioned. I have been asking for broken/old crayons from people for ages and no one wants to fork them over =) Just uploaded all the finished pictures, blog post soon!

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